In 1994, just as I was starting out as a journalist, I visited Myanmar. My mission was to reconnect with my mother’s family, after a separation of over 50 years. Yep, that’s me, as a youngster, looking young, happy, albeit slightly worried I haven’t wrapped the traditional longyi correctly and that it might fall down when I stand up.
My relatives were over the moon to be back in touch, as was I. Something about them, something about this country, got under the skin of this otherwise very traditionally “English” girl, and over time, an idea formed to create a beauty brand that infused the magic, joy and other inspiring ingredients from a country that was quite literally, in my blood, with all the many years of my experience writing about beauty.
La Pyae Apothecary is the result, capturing all the knowledge I’ve gleaned and the lessons I’ve learned, incorporating the latest in technology and well-crafted formulations, while also shining a light on a part of the world that is so beautiful, but often forgotten. It means “full moon” in Burmese, and happens to be the nick-name of one of my relatives.
And now here we are, with our first fragrance, created by the perfumer Frank Voelkl, and inspired by Myanmar. It is magical, joyful, and inspiring.
We would love you to join us as we create magical, joyful, inspiring products that will instil joy as you go about your day.